My First Baby Essentials

Having a baby for the first time invokes a lot of
emotions. You feel happy yet fear at the same time
because you still do not know what to do. You feel
excited yet you also feel anxious because you are
delving into the unknown. These are just some of the
emotions a mother can feel when she has her "my first
baby moments."

Being that this is your first baby, you should not
entrust everything to motherly instincts. You should
also do some research and studies on the essentials in
taking care of a baby. After all, your baby will be
depending on you for its comfort as well as its

The most basic concerns that mothers should be
focusing on especially on their baby’s first couple of
weeks are feeding and sleeping.

Feeding Your Baby

Having adequate nourishment is essential to your
baby’s proper development that is why he or she needs
to be fed with the right amount of milk at the right

You can give your baby ready to feed formula. It is
safe and healthy. However, you must not mix this with
water because your baby might not get sufficient
calories. On the other hand, concentrated formula
should be mixed with water in a 1 is to 1 ratio.
Usually after a couple of weeks, your baby will be
able to consume more or less a quart of formula each
day. You should also check if your baby manifests
symptoms such as frequent vomiting, diarrhea,
constipation or rashes as this may mean that the
formula is not fit for him or her and may need to be
changed. This is also the reason why it is still
highly suggested that you breastfeed your baby if
possible as this is better than any milk or formula in
the market.

The proper feeding time of a baby typically has a 2 to
3 hour interval. A common sign that you should look
out for is crying that can’t be hushed through

You can also check if your baby is having adequate
nourishment or not. A properly nourished baby will
usually have a wet diaper during the 2 to 3 hour
interval and the color of the urine should be clear.
Stool is soft and yellow in color. Breast-fed babies
will typically pass tools 6 times in a day while
bottle-fed ones may pass stools every three days.


Babies sleep normally for a length of 10 to 23 hours
day. Any less of the minimum can be detrimental to
your baby’s development. Here are some tips on how you
can help your baby achieve the normal length of sleep
he or she needs:

* Make sure that your baby has completed his or her
rituals before you put him or her to sleep. This
includes feeding, burping, and diaper change.

* Wrap your baby securely so as to prevent him or her
from doing excessive movements that can disturb his or
her sleep. This will also provide your baby warmth.

* Place your baby in supine position. Studies show
that letting your baby sleep on his or her back is the
safest position for him or her and lessens the
occurrence of Sudden Infant Death.

Feeding and sleeping are just two of a "my first baby
essentials." Basically, these are your main
responsibilities for the first couple of weeks.

My First Baby Essentials Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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